Assistance for Those Experiencing Homelessness

If you are experiencing homelessness, are displaced or near homelessness, we are here to offer you the support and resources you need to navigate this challenging time. We are a resource hub where you can get connected with resources from both government and private organizations.

Immediate Shelter and Safety

For immediate shelter openings, you can contact 833-FIND BED to locate available beds in Delaware. During the winter months, from December to March, Code Purple shelters offer emergency accommodations to protect individuals from extreme weather. You can contact them Monday – Friday 10:00 am – 3:00 pm at 302-629-7050, and Evenings & Weekends at 302-519-0024 to reserve a bed, when Code Purple opens for the season.

Additionally, state service centers are available to provide various forms of assistance, including referrals to housing programs, food aid, and health services. Our goal is to ensure you have access to the support and resources necessary to find a safe and stable living situation. Visit to see the services they offer, the service center near you, and their contact information.

Access to Basic Needs

We understand that homelessness often means struggling to meet basic needs. We provide access to essential services such as food, clothing, hygiene products, and camping gear. Our meal programs ensure you have access to nutritious food, We also distribute clothing and personal care items to help you stay warm and healthy by filling out a request form. (see below) and quarterly Helping Hands Community Events where everything is free.

Employment and Financial Assistance

Achieving financial stability is a crucial step towards overcoming homelessness. We offer resume building assistance, connect you with find-a-job, get a ride programs. We provide bikes (when available) as transportation to/from work, will help you with required uniforms. Our team helps to work through the challenges you are having by connecting you with local, state and other private organizations that provide assistance programs and walk beside you as you seek employment to help overcome any hurdles.

We understand that having the necessary identification documents is crucial for accessing jobs, housing, and other opportunities. We can assist you in obtaining essential forms of identification such as photo IDs, driver’s licenses, birth certificates, and social security cards. Our support includes covering the costs associated with acquiring these documents and providing transportation to the relevant offices (as funding is available). By ensuring you have the proper identification, we help remove one of the significant barriers to achieving stability and independence.

Long-Term Housing Solutions

Finding a permanent place to live is the ultimate goal for many experiencing homelessness. We offer support in applying for affordable housing programs, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing. Our team will work with you to create a personalized plan that addresses your specific needs and helps you secure stable, long-term housing.

Supportive Services and Counseling

We understand the toll that homelessness can take on mental health and well-being. Through partnerships with local mental health organizations, substance abuse treatment centers, and community-based agencies, we can connect you with a range of supportive services. These services include access to professional counseling, specialized treatment programs, and workshops focused on developing essential life skills. Our dedicated team is committed to providing compassionate support, listening to your needs, and connecting you with the resources necessary to overcome personal challenges. Additionally, we facilitate support groups and peer mentoring programs to create a supportive community where mutual aid thrives.

If you or someone you know is experiencing homelessness, please reach out to us through the form below. We are dedicated to providing the compassionate support and practical assistance needed to help you regain stability and move towards a brighter future.

Let`s Talk

Contact Us

If you or your loved one is experiencing homelessness, is displaced or is near homelessness, please ask them to fill out this form, so that we can understand your situation and find the best resources to assist you.

Please check all that apply.

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