Housing Alliance Delaware’s Centralized Intake
1-833-FIND-BED (1-833-346-3233)
Email: intake@housingalliancede.org
Ways to Access Centralized Intake
- Contact Centralized Intake Directly: Call, text or email from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
- Dial 211: Clients may call the Delaware 2-1-1 or text their ZIP code to 898-211 to be connected to Centralized Intake.
- State Service Center: A client may visit a local State Service Center for help contacting Centralized Intake.
- Homeless/Other Service Provider: A client may visit a local shelter or day center for help contacting Centralized Intake.
Emergency Assistance
Division of State Service Centers
Code Purple
- Kent County: https://www.codepurpledelaware.com/ or 1-800-733-6816
- Sussex County: https://www.loveincofmiddelmarva.org/code-purple or 302-629-7050 (weekdays) or 302-519-0024 (weekends)
Domestic Violence Intake
If you are fleeing domestic violence, we encourage you to call the 24-hour hotline. All hotline numbers are confidential and staffed by trained professionals to assist you with safety planning and access to available resources.
- https://dvcc.delaware.gov/24-hour-hotline-numbers/
- New Castle County: 302-762-6110
- Bilingual Hotline: 302-762-6110
- Northern Kent County: 302-678-3886
- Bilingual Hotline: 302-745-9874
- Kent and Sussex: 302-422-8058
- Bilingual Hotline: 302-745-9874
- TTY: 1-800-232-5460
Reference Resource: https://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/homeless/immediatshelt.html